What do we do?
Envirofield is one of the UKs leading companies providing a nationwide fast and efficient soil nitrogen sampling service.
How do we do it ?
Envirofield have been involved in commercial soil sampling for soil mineral nitrogen (SMN) for 15 years and have led the way in developing specialist equipment for obtaining accurate results.
Early mechanisation for measuring soil nitrogen supply (SNS) was the Geonor sampling equipment (mounted on 6 wheel drive ATV s) pioneered by Levington Agriculture. Envirofield have improved this innovative design to produce their own more robust and efficient sampler the, Envirocorer Spiker 1000 machine in conjunction with a local engineering company.
Essential to accurate results is the diligent collection and care of soil samples prior to analysis. Envirofield have rigorous sampling and sample storage protocols, which are frequently, reviewed in line with demands of the industry and laboratory standards. Taking multiple cores approx. 20 to 90cm, in a consistent and representative manner is fundamental is reducing variability across target area.
The results produced by Envirofield can be input directly into fertiliser recommendation software such as Planet or can be easily used along side the tables in RB209 to accurately determine fertiliser requirements.
Envirofield works closely with two laboratories Hill Court Farm Research and NRM Laboratories. This ensures a rapid turn around time of samples along with a ring test to ensure consistency of results
Why Soil Sample to 90 cm?
In NVZ’s it is a requirement to follow the codes of practice for air, soil and water, operating in accordance with bulletin RB209. When applying fertilizer to arable crops. RB209 recommends soil sampling to 90 cms with SMN analysis where high or uncertain amounts of soil nitrogen can be expected.